單雙迴路模溫機 - 首款搭配全新品牌識別的全新產品項

單雙迴路模溫機 - 首款搭配全新品牌識別的全新產品項

單雙迴路模溫機 - 首款搭配全新品牌識別的全新產品項

SIMHOPE 2023 推出首款搭配全新品牌識別的全新產品項『單雙迴路模溫機』,

產品特色/Product Features

1. 運用PID和SSR加熱控制,保持溫度穩定均勻 / Utilizes PID and SR heating control to maintain stable and uniform temperature.
2. 7吋人機螢幕顯示及操作,使操作簡單易懂 / 7-inch touchscreen display and operation for ease of use.
3. 故障警報顯示於螢幕上,能迅速找到原因並解決 / Real-time fault alerts displayed on the screen for quick troubleshooting.
4. 造型符合人體工學,操作不疲勞,並能與原設備結合 / Ergonomic design for comfortable operation and easy integration with existing equip
5. 適用於塑膠射出、鋅合金壓鑄設備 / Suitable for use in plastic injection and zinc alloy die casting equipment.
